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North America



*Prices exclude the £5.00 booking fee.


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North America
North America

*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding the £5.00 booking fee.

Cheap flights to North America

North America is the third largest continent on earth, covering about 16.5% of the earth's land area. Proud of its cultural heritage, North America fascinates its visitors. On one side you will find huge cities, which all have their own unique charm. On the other hand North America represents natural beauty and very diverse landscapes. Each country has its own features that makes it definitely worth a visit.

Act Now! Explore North America for less!

Save up to £20 OFF* on flights from the UK to North America!

📢 For 6 DAYS ONLY, from 22nd August to 27th August, is thrilled to offer special discounts on flights from the UK to North America’s most exciting destinations including the USA, Canada and Mexico.

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Discounts on flights from the UK to the USA, Canada and Mexico

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Expired on 27 Aug 2024

✈️ £20 Discount from the UK to destinations in North America.

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How do I find the cheapest flights to North America?

Tip 1:
Flights to North America can be cheaper last minute, but this isn’t always the case. We recommend that you try to book 4-5 months in advance for the cheapest flights to North America. The price of flights can vary due to the season and availability.

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Why fly to North America?

Whether traveling across states, or abroad, there's something to do and something to discover for everyone!

North America is filled with big cities mixed with small towns and all types of different people. Experience a new perspective you haven't before and one you'll never forget.

United States

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Travel to North America

North America is the third largest world continent and a place you must visit at least once in your lifetime. People tend to think of North America as just the United States, but there is also the breathtaking natural beauties of Canada and the tropical oasis of Mexico that also lies in North America. Here you will experience a melting pot of cultures like you've never seen before with an endless amount of things to do and experience!

Because of its history of colonialism, most North Americans speak English, Spanish or French. In the northern parts of the continent you will find strong European influences, while indigenous and African influences are more present in the south. With 23 countries, including the United States, Mexico and Canada, there is so much to explore on this continent; BudgetAir will help you to find the right destinations for you!

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Terms and Conditions:

  • The prices listed above are past searches done by real customers in the period for specific travel dates.
  • Tickets are based on availability, the dates, selected and can sell out at any moment. Prices exclude the £4.99 booking fee.
  • The fares are based on flights from London, Newcastle, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh.
  • All fares are based on return trips per person, including all taxes, but excluding the £5 booking fee.

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*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding the £5.00 booking fee.

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