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An Air Traveller's Guide to Minsk

Flights to Minsk

Whether you're flying to Minsk for business or pleasure, no matter if you fly alone, with friends or with your whole family, always gives you great deals on your flight. We offer flights from 800+ Airlines, including low-cost airlines, to more than 10,000 destinations. Looking for a great deal for flights to Minsk? offers you the best fares and an unparalleled booking experience! Simply enter your desired destination, the date of departure and arrival, the number of passengers and let us do the work of finding the cheap flights for you.

Average prices

The average price for a flight to Minsk is £ 283.

When to fly

The month with the cheapest flight to Minsk is February.

The most popular airline

The most frequently chosen airline on for a flight to Minsk is Belavia.

Departure airport

There are various airports that offer flights to Minsk. The cheap flights are from London Heathrow.

Last minute flights to Minsk

The average price for a last minute flight to Minsk is £ 292. The most popular airline for the last minute flights to Minsk on Budgetair is Belavia. The month with the cheapest last minute flight to Minsk is February. There are various airports that offer last minute flights to Minsk. The cheapest last minute flights are from London Heathrow.

Direct flights to Minsk

Easily compare direct flights versus stop-over with Find below some helpful information to make the best choice.

Direct flights Manchester - Minsk

The average duration of a direct flight is 3 hours12 minutes. Direct flights take on average 4 hours less than stop-over flights.

The airlines that currently offer direct flights are: Belavia.

The average price of a direct flight is £ 240. Direct flights cost approximatly 18% more than stop-over flights.

Based on the choice of our customers it's better to take a direct flight. On average 94% of our customers decide to take a direct flight with versus 6% who decided to take a stop-over flight.

How much does Minsk cost?

If you are planning a trip to Minsk you may want to know how much Minsk is going to cost you. Check below average expenses on meals, clothes, transport and more to get an idea what your budget should be!

Drinks and food

Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 4.7-5.7£
Domestic Beer (0.5 liter draught) 1-1.2£
Cappuccino (regular) 1.1-1.4£
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle) 0.5-0.6£


Pair of Jeans (Levis or Similar) 57-70£
Pair of Nike Shoes (Mid-Range) 61-75£
Summer Dress in a Chain Store 27-33£
Pair of Men Leather Shoes 70-85£


One-way Ticket (Local Transport) 0.2-0.3£
Monthly Pass (Regular Price) 10.6-12.9£
Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 1.4-1.7£
Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff) 0.3-0.3£

Other goods and services

Pack of Cigarettes (Marlboro) 0.9-1.1£
Gasoline (1 liter) 0.42-0.52£
Cinema, 1 Ticket 2.7-3.3£
Apartment (1 bedroom), Centre 234-286£

Weather in Minsk

Do you want to know when is the best period to fly to Minsk? Here below you can find average temperature and level of precipitation for every month.

Max Temperature

JAN -4.2 °C
FEB -2.5 °C
MAR 2.4 °C
APR 10.9 °C
MAY 18.4 °C
JUN 21.3 °C
JUL 22.3 °C
AUG 21.7 °C
SEP 16.5 °C
OCT 9.9 °C
NOV 3.1 °C
DEC -1.5 °C

Min Temperature

JAN -9.8 °C
FEB -8.9 °C
MAR -4.8 °C
APR 1.8 °C
MAY 7.6 °C
JUN 11.1 °C
JUL 12.6 °C
AUG 11.7 °C
SEP 7.8 °C
OCT 3.3 °C
NOV -1.3 °C
DEC -6.2 °C


JAN 40 mm
FEB 34 mm
MAR 42 mm
APR 42 mm
MAY 62 mm
JUN 83 mm
JUL 88 mm
AUG 72 mm
SEP 60 mm
OCT 49 mm
NOV 52 mm
DEC 53 mm

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To Minsk


  1. London
  2. Manchester
  3. Birmingham
  4. Edinburgh
  5. Newcastle

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