Practical information on Koh Samui
Help! You are in Koh Samui and your phone ran out of battery. Or you are extremely thirsty and automatically drink from the nearest water fontain. What are the possibilities in Koh Samui and what is useful to know? We will give you an overview.
- Temperature: The average temperature is 32˚C during the summer period and approximately 27˚C during the winter period (November - February). The rainy season (monsoon) takes place from May until October.
- Time difference: Ko Samui is 6 hours ahead of London during the summer and 7 hours during the winter.
- Currency: The Thai Baht (THB).
- Language: Thai is official language is Thai and it can be divided into various dialects. However, the English language is fairly spoken in big cities and tourist attractions.
- Required travel documents: The rules and regulations of travel documents and visa applications change frequently. There can also be different requirements. On the website of the visa service the required and current information is listed.
- Health: Information about the (mandatory) vaccinations change constantly. Current information can be found on Travel Health Pro and NHS or consult your GP surgery.